Saturday, January 25, 2020

Charles Limbs Study on Music Creativity and Brain Functions Essay

Have you ever wondered how musicians can come up with melodies, rhythms, chords, and riffs off-the-top of their heads? Well, this type of spontaneous idea is called improvisation. Improvisation is the creative activity of an â€Å"in the moment† musical composition. Basically, it’s a spur-of-the-moment kind of thing where musicians simply make up a rhythm or melody without even thinking about it. Whatever or however a musician is feeling he could incorporate that feeling into a musical thought. But how does this imagination come about? Is there some type of magical feeling that comes over the musician? How can the mind create something on command? William James has labeled this innovative development as a â€Å"seething cauldron of ideas, where everything is fizzling and bobbing about in a state of bewildering activity.†(Creation on Command) Scientists have been baffled at the way the brain works in general, but now we are finding more and more ways to view †Å"what is really going on up there†. In the past few years, there have been studies that try to figure out what goes on in the brain with improv is being done. I am going to talk about Dr. Charles Limb’s study on brain activity and music creativity. Dr. Charles Limb is an associate professor in otolaryngology at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, where he is also a part of the Peabody Institute of Music where he plays the Saxophone, Bass and Piano. He led one of the first brain-scan studies of musical improvisation in 2008. For the past ten years, Dr. Limb has studied what goes on in the brain and how it relates to music. He tested three different of experiments before coming up with a conclusion. Before coming up with the main experiment, Dr. Limb asked the question, â€Å"How can the b... ...r what goes on in their brain when they free style and help them understand Limb’s study of free style rap and improv. I might use this information for another project in another class. Who knows? I do know that this study is a very interesting research. So basically, improvisation is just a way for musicians express their feelings their thoughts and moods without even realizing what they have done. Works Cited Zagroski, Nick. "The Science of Improv." The Peabody Institute of The Johns Hopkins University: Music for the World. Johns Hopkins University. Web. 03 Apr. 2012. . Your Brain on Improv. Perf. Dr. Charles Limb. Jan. 2011. Web. . "Tool Module: Brain Imaging." The Brain. Web. 03 Apr. 2012. .

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Lord Capulet Essay

Within the scene where Capulet is crossed by Tybalt at his masked ball, Capulet differs again. His mood suddenly changes from being humorous and charming to being hot headed and flying of the handle. I believe he is short tempered and is unable to control it; he becomes very angry towards Tybalt. â€Å"Why, how now, kinsman! Wherefore storm you so?† This demonstrates to the audience how infuriating he can be. I speculate the audiences learn that Capulet is a changeable character, as he is logical and caring but he becomes deadly serious when someone tries to challenge him. He assumes people should respect his authority. In act three, Lord Capulet informs his wife about the proposal. Lady Capulet deems Juliet will be overjoyed with the news â€Å"hath sorted out a sudden day of joy that thou expect’st not nor I look’d not for† she has a positive view to marriage and feels all she needs is a man. She reveals the news to Juliet. At first Juliet considers the proposal as good news. But she then says she would rather marry her enemy than marry Paris. This is amusing because she has previously married her enemy, Romeo, in secret. â€Å"I will not marry yet; and, when I do, I swear, I shall be Romeo, whom you know I hate, rather than Paris† This shows Juliet is intensely in love with Romeo. Lady Capulet says â€Å"here comes your father; tell him yourself.† I imagine she wouldn’t tell him, Presuming Capulet will go insane. As he evidently did so, â€Å"I will drag thee on a hurdle thither, out, you green- sickness carrion! Out, you baggage! You tallow -face!† This demonstrates how contrasting his thoughts really are, he can not believe she is being so ungrateful. Previously He was praising her up, saying how dearly he loves her and how divine she is. But now he states she is worthless that Juliet is like a curse and wishes she was no longer here. In addition he told Paris that it was Juliet’s decision if she’d like to marry him. He went back on his word and gave Juliet no choice of the matter, using his authority to over rule her, this is proof he was contradicting himself. In this time women were owned by their fathers until their time of marriage when they became property of their husbands. Capulet’s goal was to find a suitable match for his darling daughter, having so Juliet refused and Capulet became immoral, he bellowed wicked things to Juliet, which today no father would dare say. I presuppose Capulet thinks he has the right to speak to his daughter in such a way because she is his ‘property’ I don’t think this is right, nobody should be spoken to in that manner. I sense Juliet was distressed because of this. â€Å"I’ll to the friar, to know his remedy if all else fail, myself have power to die† Lord Capulet is an over powering man, he demands and receives what he w ishes, no matter if he hurts someone’s feelings, especially his own flesh and bloods. Overall I have discussed that Lord Capulet has two completely opposite sides to him. He can be kind, loving, and charming, e.g. scene one, but he can soon flip to becoming unmistakably hot- headed, controlling and malicious preparing us for his actions in scene five.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Cómo Ejercer Como Médico en Estados Unidos

El deficit de profesionales de la salud que existe en Estados Unidos se compensa cada aà ±o con un ingreso promedio de 6.000 profesionales de la salud extranjeros, entre mà ©dicos, enfermeras, dentistas y farmacà ©uticos. Cada uno de estos international medical graduate (IMG) debe cumplir una serie de requisitos para validar sus estudios, obtener la residencia y sacar la licencia profesional en estado en el que desean trabajar. El à ¡rea con mà ¡s deficit es el de los mà ©dicos generales, y en particular en las zonas rurales. Los mà ©dicos locales optan por à ¡reas de la medicina mejor pagas y en zonas mà ¡s urbanas. Aquà ­ resumimos algunas de las opciones para los diferentes casos de mà ©dicos profesionales que ingresan a Estados Unidos. Visa para los Mà ©dicos Interesados en Investigacià ³n y Docencia. La visa J-1, tambià ©n conocida como de visitante de intercambio. En este caso el solicitante entrarà ­a a la categorà ­a de researcher o scholar, y no en la categorà ­a de physician. La visa H-1B, o la visa temporal para profesiones especà ­ficas. Aunque las plazas otorgadas cada para esta visa aà ±o son limitadas, no hay là ­mite si se trabaja en entidades sin à ¡nimo de lucro o instituciones pà ºblicas. La visa O-1 o de talento especial, es para profesionales que puedan demostrar habilidades extraordinarias.La visa TN para mexicanos o canadienses. Si la enseà ±anza o la investigacià ³n se combinan con la atencià ³n a pacientes, es importante que estos candidatos no està ©n en trabajo acadà ©mico mà ¡s del diez por ciento de las horas del trabajo. La residencia por patrocinio de un empleador. Requisitos de Visa para Mà ©dicos Extranjeros en Contacto con Pacientes Estudios de medicina finalizados en el paà ­s de origen.Licencia sin restricciones del paà ­s de origen para ejercer la medicina.Residencia mà ©dica hecha en Estados Unidos asà ­ se haya completado en el paà ­s de origen.Examen aprobado de conocimientos de inglà ©s (administrado por ECFMG) menos para los profesionales que vienen de un paà ­s angloparlante. Examen USMLE aprobado, excepto para los especialistas reconocidos internacionalmente por su trabajo. Este es el examen que otorga la licencia mà ©dica. Licencia mà ©dica aprobada en el estado en el que se quiera trabajar. Apostillas de La Haya de todos los documentos del paà ­s de origen. Opciones de Visa para la Residencia Mà ©dica en Estados Unidos La visa J-1 o de intercambio. En este caso el ECFMG puede otorgar un patrocinio y este dura el tiempo que se requiera para completar la residencia mà ©dica. Una de las ventajas de esta visa es que permite a los cà ³nyuges obtener una visa J-2 y trabajar en Estados Unidos. Ademà ¡s, la J-1 permite el acompaà ±amiento de los hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os, quienes pueden estudiar gratuitamente en las escuelas pà ºblicas de Estados Unidos. El inconveniente de esta visa es que prohibe la permanencia en Estados Unidos una vez finalizada la residencia, pero es posible solicitar un permiso (waiver) y obtener la visa de trabajo si se està ¡ casado con un ciudadano o residente permanente, si se sufre de persecucià ³n en el paà ­s de origen, si una agencia del gobierno està ¡ interesada en el trabajo del solicitante, o si el departamento de salud pide el permiso a nombre del mà ©dico para que este trabaje en una zona rural o econà ³micamente deprimida. La visa H-1B es mucho m à ¡s compleja de obtener porque ademà ¡s el candidato debe probar que se le pagarà ¡, por lo menos, el salario promedio para su cargo. Debe ademà ¡s contar con una peticià ³n de visa de parte de cada uno de los hospitales donde desee trabajar. Como en el caso de los mà ©dicos que aplican a residencia, estos solicitantes deben pasar el examen de ECFMG y haber completado el USMLE. Esta visa se aprueba por tres aà ±os y puede extenderse hasta por seis. En este caso los familiares que acompaà ±an al mà ©dico no pueden trabajar en Estados Unidos, aunque sus hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os sà ­ pueden estudiar. La visa de residente permanente es otra opcià ³n si es que un empleador lo patrocina, o hay un auto-patrocinio para mà ©dicos establecidos internacionalmente que se quieran radicar en Estados Unidos.La visa L, o de transferencia entre multinacionales, si es que el candidato trabaja en su paà ­s de origen en un centro clà ­nico con sucursal en Estados Unidos. Este es un artà ­culo informativo y no pretende ser asesorà ­a legal.